Tel: +44 07814237539
36, Old Road, Armitage, Rugeley, Staffordshire, WS15 4DR


Dyscalculia is a specific learning difference that impacts how an individual processes mathematical problems. Specific challenges such as counting, mental arithmetic and understanding mathematical equations can impact a person who has Dyscalculia. However, it is important to remember that Dyscalculia should be differentiated from difficulties with maths that have occurred as a consequence of educational experiences of other specific learning difficulties. As with Dyslexia, individuals with Dyscalculia are often very bright and capable in other areas and Dyscalculia should not be seen as a barrier to being successful.
Specific skills and strengths but not limited to can include can be artistic and have above average imaginative and creative skills and might see problems that other colleagues might not. Furthermore, an employee who has Dyscalculia may also excel at bigger picture thinking and as a consequence excel in project management roles. Unlike other Neurodivergent differences a person who has Dyscalculia will often excel at understanding non-verbal communication such as facial recognition and understanding another person’s reactions purely just based on their body language.